Oklahoma City Collaboratory 



Dana Byers

Dana Byers is an influential leader with a diverse and impactful career that spans church, non-profit, and professional spheres. She's led in complex roles, from being an Executive and Teaching Pastor to leading the Human Resources team at the largest church in America. Dana is recognized as a pioneer in the Church Online movement, and together with her husband, they planted the first online churches outside America in 2009 while raising their family overseas, significantly expanding global evangelistic reach and impact.

As the CEO of Dana Byers Coaching, she has created a business model specifically tailored to help Christian working women achieve lasting results both at work and at home. This initiative is driven by her deep commitment to empowering women through practical, faith-based strategies that lead to personal and professional success. Dana provides weekly insight and support to Christian working women via her top-ranked podcast, "Been There, Learned That".

In addition to her professional achievements, Dana and her husband oversee the Byers Family Foundation. The foundation focuses on supporting global projects that empower women to reach their full potential, reflecting her passion for making a tangible difference in the lives of women around the world. Dana's leadership and vision exemplify her dedication to service, education, and empowerment, making her a beacon of influence and inspiration in both Christian and secular communities.

If you have further questions about Collaboratories, please contact Catherine Gates.

Meeting Dates

The Oklahoma City Collaboratory will meet the first Thursday of each month from 8:30 to 11:30 AM CDT beginning September 5, 2024.


Thursday, September 5 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 1 | Achievement, Authority, and Other High Places

Thursday, OCTOBER 3 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 2 | Building a Strong Team

Thursday, NOVEMBER 7 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 3 | Faith Prevails

Thursday, DECEMBER 5 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 4 | Flourishing For All

Thursday, JANUARY 9 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 5 | Faith + Team Supports Bold Action

Thursday, FEBRUARY 6 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 6 | On Assignment

Thursday, MARCH 6 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 7 | Only God

Thursday, APRIL 3 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 8 | A Bold Mission

Thursday, MAY 1 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 9 | Humble Service

Thursday, JUNE 5 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 10 | The Transformational Power of Forgiveness

Thursday, JULY 3 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 11 | Kingdom Equality

Thursday, AUGUST 7 | 8:00-10:30 AM

Session 12 | True Success Through Submission