
Emboldening women in their faith and work


Lead wisely

september 11 | Noon-1pm

Fellowship Bible Church - Rogers

The Lodge Building

" Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness." James 3:13-18

Wisdom is one of those things that we all know we need more of, no matter our stage of life. And while it’s mostly gained through time, experience, and – truthfully – age, Scripture tells us that there is also another way to grow in wisdom. 

James 1:5 instructs us to simply ask God for wisdom whenever we lack – promising that He will give it to us generously! Almost as if He wants us to have all we need to live and move and work with wisdom. Moreover, the whole book of Proverbs is devoted to singing the praises and teaching the ways of wisdom, emphasizing the importance of seeking it, especially by listening to those who have gone before us. 

When it comes to work, it’s often intellect and learned skills that land us the job. But once we have it, it’s often wisdom that allows us to keep and advance it. Wisdom teaches us how to approach sticky situations. Wisdom tells us when to speak up and when to keep quiet. Wisdom helps us know when to leave and when to stay. And it’s wisdom that serves as the rudder while we navigate all the parts of work that involve more than just the technical skills of completing a task. 

Ultimately, and maybe most importantly, wisdom is what allows us to have a meaningful impact.

As Christians, we have been given insight to know that a wise woman listens to the advice of others, seeks wisdom from the Lord, and makes the most of every opportunity – because she knows that time is precious and limited. That’s why this month at Polished, we’re focusing on leading wisely. We’ll look at what the Bible says about wisdom and lean into the stories and experiences of women who have wisdom to share. And together, we’ll see how leading wisely may be one of the most valuable offerings we can give to ourselves and others when it comes to our work. 

Speaker Bio Coming Soon


Polished NWA is supported by


Past Events

Lead With Care

Speakers: Sheryl McAfee & Leslie Eoff

Lead with Communication

Speaker: Kathryn McLay

Lead with Love

Speaker: Hope Harris

Leading in Health

Speaker: Tiffany Frazier

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Chapter Directors

Anne Joly

Anne has a passion for making a positive difference in the lives of others.  She is able to fulfill that God given purpose in the workplace as she works to help her clients achieve their financial goals.   Anne is a banking professional with 20 years of experience in the industry and serves as an Assistant Vice President, Private Banking Advisor in Northwest Arkansas. She’s incredibly excited about living out her purpose through Polished. 

Anne and her husband Josh live in Rogers and have 4 children – Jacob, Dylan, Evan and Caleb. She is a member of First Baptist Church Rogers. She believes that we all go through different phases in our lives both personally and professionally. It’s important to have a good group of women to celebrate your successes with you, encourage you in times of need, pray with or for you and to discuss life’s challenges with. She’s excited and honored to have the opportunity to be part of this amazing organization! Email Anne

Jackie Serrano

Jackie has a passion for learning and education for adult learners. As a first generation citizen, Jackie has seen first hand the ways that an education can help a person rise up from difficult situations and be able to progress in their life. She has spent 10 years in the learning and development industry curating training programs, facilitating various learning sessions and learning the best ways to help adult learners in their job roles. 

Jackie has seen first hand benefits of being a part of the Polished Network. Coming out of a season of isolation, Jackie was looking for ways to get involved in her community while also serving Lord. She was invited to the first Polished luncheon of NWA and was able to tell her story, listen to an amazing speaker that encouraged everyone and ultimately begin to become a part of the larger Polished community. Being a part of Polished NWA has given Jackie the opportunity to continue to live out Jesus’s teachings of having faith, loving one another and serving those around you. Email Jackie.


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